Know who you want? Check their availability by going straight to their Profile Page - you'll be able to download their CV from there, check recent credits, see their availability and then contact them direct. No agents, no fees.
Happy to see who's available? Discover everyone whose abilities and dates match your needs by filling in the date range below, selecting the specifics you require, and pressing Submit. We'll show you everyone who ticks your boxes.
Want to know who has worked on a similar show to yours? Enter keywords here and we will show you which members list those keywords in their profile.
Need someone to work remotely? We're all based in the North West of England, but many of us are ready and willing to work remotely using our own kit, or by remoting into a facility of your choice. Just check the Remote Working boxes to match the type of edit you require. If current restrictions allow, many of us are happy to work elsewhere in the UK and abroad. Please use the availability search to see who will work in your job's location.
A respectful note on availability - even if an editor shows as "available", there is no obligation on them to work on everything offered to them. As skilled freelancers, every NWEG member should be able to choose whether a project is right for them. Members who specialise in editing drama, for example, may not wish to edit a game show or sport - that's their choice, in the same way it is the production's choice whether to hire someone or not. Please respect their decision if they feel that your production is not right for them.
so you know you're in safe hands
can source the staff they need 24/7
and broaden your talent pool
and check current availability
so there are no fees for end-users
there are no ties to any facility or production company
Our editors are rightly proud of the work they complete for top-notch production companies across the UK and abroad.
Click the images below to be taken straight to the profile of the editor who completed each of these superb programmes.
I am a professional broadcast editor with a wide range of offline and online credits. I pride myself on my creative approach to my work, and happy to edit-produce and write voiceover. I have been a lead editor on BAFTA award winning projects, and am fast and technically competent, with extensive experience of multi day-camera editing.
Children’s BAFTA’s 2016 – ‘Sam & Mark’s Big Friday Wind-Up’ – Best Entertainment
RTS NW 2014,15,19 – ‘Sam & Mark’s Big Friday Wind-Up’ – Best Entertainment Programme
Children’s BAFTA’s 2013+15 – ‘Sam & Mark’s Big Friday Wind-Up’ – Best Presenters